Migration Permit Services

Temporary residence permit to live in Lithuania (startup)
Duration – a temporary residence permit for a startup is issued for 2 years. This permit may be renewed for a further 3 years.
confirmation (decision) by the public institution Innovation Agency that You have proved that You are developing a start-up activity which You intend to carry out in the Republic of Lithuania and that You have the necessary qualifications, funding and business plan to carry out this activity, and that Your presence in the Republic of Lithuania is necessary for the activities of the start-up, as a member of the start-up You intend to set up.
Workflow: We are helping to prepare business plan and submit documents for Innovation Agency and Migration department.
Temporary residence permit to live in Lithuania (branch)
Duration – Residence permit is issued for 3 years. Decision -resident permit is given in 15 days till one month after submitting application at Lithuanian embassy or at Migration department in Lithuania..
Conditions for granting a permit for a temporary residence in Lithuania for branch purposes:
1.Having the company in your home country or working place, in which you are working more than one year.
2.Opening a branch of a foreign company in Lithuania.
Workflow: Registration a branch of a foreign company in Lithuania.
– Preparation all needed documents to Institution of Migration for temporary residence permit to live in Lithuania.
-Representing the client in Institution of Migration.

Temporary residence permit to live in Lithuania (company at least 6 months old with activities)
Duration – temporary residence permit is given for 2 years and you can replace it for 2 years. Temporary residence permits are issued during 2-4 months.
1.You can be manager of a company which, for at least the last 6 months prior to my application for a residence permit under the business plan, is engaged in full-time employment in the Republic of Lithuania with full-time Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, other EU Member States or EFTA Member States or foreigners permanently residing in the Republic of Lithuania whose monthly wages and salaries in total amount to at least 2 of the average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees of the national economy (including individual enterprise wages and salaries) of the last quarter published by Statistics Lithuania, and an equity value of which (in the case of non-AB and non-UAB assets) is at least EUR 28,000 and the purpose of my arrival is to work for that company.
2. You can be a member of a company which, for at least the last 6 months prior to my application for a residence permit, under the business plan, is engaged in full-time employment in the Republic of Lithuania with full-time Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, other EU Member States or EFTA Member States or foreigners permanently residing in the Republic of Lithuania whose monthly wages and salaries in total amount to at least 2 of the average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees of the national economy (including individual enterprise wages and salaries) of the last quarter published by Statistics Lithuania, and an equity value of which (in the case of non-AB and non-UAB assets) is at least EUR 28,000, of which at least EUR 14,000 is my invested funds or other assets and I am the manager of this company or the shareholder of AB or UAB, the nominal value of the shares owned by whom is not less than 1/3 of the authorized capital of the company.
-We can sell company on your name or you need to do activities at least 6 months.
-We are preparing all documents to Migration department according to the requirements to get temporary residence permit to live in Lithuania.